Our Core Mission

Ei Consulting LLC was founded in Baltimore, Maryland in October 2013 and established a regional office in Lagos, Nigeria November 2016. 

With over a decade of experience supporting primary, secondary, tertiary, colleges, universities, corporate training and theological seminaries, our experience revealed the inequalities within the educational sector across the globe. 

Our decision to operate in West Africa was to

    • champion the continued need for infusion of technology into the classroom environment
    • prepare student learners and teachers on the use of technology within academic settings
    • foster continued STEAM based education and prepare learners for the digital era
    • close the inequality gap between Africa nations and the nations of the world.

As we now know, learning exists outside the confines of brick and mortar classroom environments. At Ei Consulting, we believe it is a great disservice to train learners without technological aids as the future requires computer literacy to succeed.